World4Ukraine Summit, Poland Rzeszów

Mediciner was Partner of the first W4UA Summit

W4UA Rzeszów, G2A Arena, Fot. Grzegorz Bukala, December, 8, 2022.

The W4UA Summit in Rzeszow hosted more than 1,500 participants. Representatives of public administration, NGOs, academics and business discussed humanitarian, social and economic issues for three days, seeking common solutions and ways to rebuild Ukraine after the war.

Our association organized panel discussions on humanitarian medical aid to hospitals and medical professionals across and from Ukraine. Joanna Jozefiak participated in various panels as a health care expert, as well as in a debate on the situation and conditions for aid to Ukrainian orphans. This panel also included the airing of the film “The Forgotten Children of Ukraine,” produced by our association.

We thank all our partners and guests from Ukraine, Germany, Poland and the United States discussed further assistance and developing cooperation.

For more information on the W4UA Summit, visit the event website at


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